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adirodack lake off adirondack lodgeadirodack lake off adirondack lodge

chapel lake ,adirondacks 20" 80'Summer Forest EdgeSummer Forest Edge home of Lisa and John Long Beach Islandblue mountain lakeblue mountain lakeforset light  pines40" 60" watercolor,autumn mountainsstory about long panoramaspainted on location in the Adirondack mountains the 24' one over a 8 year period on lodge rd during a number of painting was unfuradirodack lake off adirondack lodgeoriginal watercolor painting 22"30' catskill mountains byrdcliffe woodstockAdirondack Dyptichsummer song forestmountain pinesautumn original watermixable oil  available mixed media 34"x28" $900.adk trail roadlake placid ,lodge road viewchapel lake ,adirondack park24 ft panorama Adirondack lake placid story about long panoramaspainted on location in the Adirondack mountains the 24' one over a 8 year period on lodge rd during a number of painting was un$1,800  original pastel watercolor mixed oil meadowsblue mountain lake